Titanic nude scene still haunting Kate

Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet has revealed that she does not sign drawings or photographs of her nude scene in Titanic. The 38-year-old actress, who was presented with the drawing on the red carpet at the Divergent premiere, said that she feels “very uncomfortable” with it, reported Digital Spy. “I don’t sign that (picture). It feels very uncomfortable. Why would you do that? People ask me to sign that (picture) a lot. There’s a photo of it as well that someone has lifted from a still of the film, and that photo gets passed around too,” she said. “I’m like, ‘No! I didn’t mean for it to be a photograph that I would end up seeing still 17 years later’. It’s still haunting me. It’s quite funny really,” Winslet added. Winslet stars alongside Shailene Woodley and Theo James in Divergent, which is releasing on April 4.

Titanic nude scene still haunting Kate

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