Although I like Blue Blood, I am saddened by one promise about Tom Selleck Jesse Stone The movie series is not saved. For the past fourteen years, Selleck has starred in my favorite television show. Blue Blood It is a less popular police procedural because it focuses on the police family and not just on the church case. Despite continuing high ratings, CBS canceled the series with only a few episodes remaining Blue Blood before it goes forever into the air.
Another potential silver lining Blue Blood that’s the end Selleck may be able to return to Jesse Stone movie series. He played nine Jesse Stone movies as a small-town sheriff with an alcohol abuse problem who focuses on work to keep himself drunk. Although these movies are also popular, the last one was made in 2015, the following year Blue Blood started.
Tom Selleck Didn’t Want Blue Bloods to Get in the Way of Jesse Stone’s Movies
The Star Wanted To Do Both Jobs
Although it is reasonable to assume that the Jesse Stone the franchise ended because of Selleck’s involvement Blue Blood, the star himself initially insisted that his new project does not interfere with the previous one. Soon before Blue Blood first aired in 2014, Selleck said he was reluctant to accept the show because he didn’t want it to interfere. Jesse Stone. Jesse Stone’s last film aired in 2015, a year later Blue Blood he started. Although Selleck talks about tithing Jesse A stone after the movie, he couldn’t do that.
I am disappointed that there has never been a Jesse Stone film in almost ten years. Not only was this series well-made and entertaining, but it showcased Selleck’s range as an actor. Jesse Stone is the opposite of Frank Reagan in many ways. While Frank is a respected Police Commissioner with a loving family in one of America’s biggest cities, Jesse is a small-town sheriff and a loner whose reputation has been damaged by his alcoholism. It would have been interesting to see Selleck take on both characters at the same time, perhaps gaining him new fans who were unaware of his talents.
I’m Good There hasn’t been a Jesse Stone movie in years
Selleck Talked About A Tenth Film, But It Was Never Made
The irony is that the Jesse Stone films almost met the same fate Blue Blood. The first eight films aired on CBS. However, after the eighth film, Benefit of the Doubtdone, CBS decided that the movies weren’t appealing enough to younger audiences and he was not willing to make a ninth film. So, Selleck sold the script to Lost in Paradise to Hallmark, which aired the film on October 18, 2015 – nine years before the final eight episodes of Blue Blood he started broadcasting.
Selleck sold the script of Lost in Paradise to Hallmark, which aired the film on October 18, 2015 – nine years before the final eight episodes of Blue Blood he started broadcasting.
It has been almost ten years since then Lost in Paradise was made. Soon after the film was made, Selleck talked about making another one, but it never happened. Instead, he only worked Blue Blood thirteen years at a time Jesse Stone fell on the way. This was disappointing, especially considering that Lost in Paradise didn’t feel like a satisfying end to the series, and the fact that Selleck was hoping to make a 10th film shows that the 2015 installment wasn’t meant to be the last film.
While Jesse helping another alcoholic drink instead of continuing to abuse his drunken daughter may seem like character growth, the final scene where he sits with his new dog, Steve, looking out over the ocean suggested more to come than it did. series. I would be disappointed if he doesn’t do another adventure because the movie series didn’t continueespecially since Selleck has been working on a 10th movie script that hasn’t been made yet.
Why Isn’t There Another Jesse Stone Movie?
Selleck’s Commitment to Blue Bloods Made It Harder
Although Selleck intends to complete another one Jesse Stone film while you work Blue Bloodin 2017 he told The Parade that work commitments were getting in the way of completing the project. I understand this, you consider that Blue Blood 18-22 episodes are filmed per seasonand Frank Reagan is not a character that can easily be written off for a few episodes while Selleck works on a different project. In addition, Blue Blood it needs the presence of each character in every episode, in order to have a future Jesse Stone the films had to be made during breaks from filming.
This kind of schedule was exhausting for Selleck. In addition, time constraints may have forced Selleck to rush the production of Jesse Stone, which would have resulted in a lower quality film than the audience expected. Therefore, it was in the best interest of production to stop it until then Blue Blood had finished filming its last episode.
In addition, the Jesse Stone The series was filmed in Nova Scotia, Canada. Selleck was already traveling from the West Coast to New York to film Blue Blood for the greater part of the year, so it would be difficult to schedule the recording during the summer break or other filming breaks Blue Blood because of the travel involved and his need to rest during the seasons. Therefore, logistics played a role in the decision not to do it Jesse Stone films while Selleck’s main commitment was to Blue Blood.
Jesse Stone’s new movie will be Silver Line to Blue Bloods Ending
Selleck Will Finally Have Time to Finish the Film Series Properly
I am heartbroken Blue Blood the conclusion. Fourteen years, it has been a series I look forward to every week due to strong family tiesand the ethical problems Frank faces in his work and the church’s crimes are added with bonuses. However, from the fan-led movement to save Blue Blood did not stop its cancellation, the next best thing to Jesse Stone a series that will continue. If this happened, it would not return Blue Blood cancellation, but it will make the film series disappear without being given a proper ending.
Since the movement led by followers to save Blue Blood didn’t stop its cancellation, the next best thing to Jesse Stone a series that will continue.
Since Selleck was already working on the script and made a deal with Hallmark for distribution, there is little reason not to continue with it Jesse Stone as he finished recording Blue Blood. Doing so would allow him to end the series of movies in his own way and return him to television. Audience members like me who have been waiting ten years deserve a proper ending Jesse Stone series, and it can help ease the pain of loss Blue Blood for it to happen quickly.