Tracker Season 1 Finale Can Still Unveil a Lot About The Biggest Family Mystery

Tracker Season 1 Finale Can Still Unveil a Lot About The Biggest Family Mystery

Major family issues may be unveiled before the show kicks it off again with another season.

Tracker’s season 1 is coming close to its end as the final episode is set to be aired on May 19, and there are quite many things to expect from the show’s big finale.

Apart from all the possible cliffhangers that Tracker’s first season may have stored for an upcoming second installment, the show’s most sinister storyline can also receive a bit more light before being left for future.

Throughout the whole first season, Tracker’s main character Colter Shaw has been haunted by his family’s secrets that he so far never got to learn the truth about. The pilot episode was the one that proved Colter’s suspicions about his brother Russell’s take in their father’s death in the woods years before.

Russell’s reappearance in the season’s 12th episode Off the Books turned the whole story into a new direction when he confessed to Colter about seeing someone else in the woods the night when their dad died.

Colter’s family issues got to be even more entangled when his younger sister Dory expressed her concerns about their mother’s incomplete honesty regarding everything she may know about her husband’s death.

Having already had this all in the air for a while, Tracker’s season 1 finale may still be back to Colter’s big family tragedy. Throughout the plot, his father Ashton’s cause of death has been hinted at, but it’s never been confirmed to be true.

Apart from that, the character’s passing has resulted in yet some other obscure plot lines that so far have never been brought to their end: for instance, who broke into Ashton’s office back in episode 2 to leave a sinister note for Colter’s mother saying that she’s being watched, or rather what the mother herself has to hide from her children and what reasons she has for doing so.

And finally, the show still has to make it clear whether it’s in fact Russell who’s responsible for his father’s death or there was indeed someone else who pushed the whole family to suspect one another in their patriarch’s tragic passing.

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