Vic & Theo’s Breakup In Station 19 Season 6 Will Ruin 1 Friendship Trio

Vic and Theo’s relationship slowly falling apart already impacted the firehouse’s morale in Station 19 season 6, but their breakup will surely also unsettle one friendship trio in Station 19 season 7. While Theo and Vic’s dating was one of the few happy things happening to Vic in Station 19 season 4, their relationship quickly turned to dust once she learned that Theo was the captain under whose direction Travis’ husband, Michael, died on duty. Travis letting the rage he felt about losing Michael go was a big development for him in Station 19 season 4 and for Theo and Vic, who started dating only with Travis’ blessing.

Despite the many ups and downs in Theo and Vic’s relationship, they always overcame them by leaning on each other. However, their problems in Station 19 season 6 only grew bigger, with Theo’s interim captaincy hovering so much over everything in his life that the stress from it not only made Theo oblivious of his missteps but also had him taking it out on Vic, lashing out at instead of relying on her like he would have done in Station 19 season 5. All their miscommunications and shots at each other culminated in their hasty breakup in Station 19 season 6’s ending, impacting Theo and Vic as much as Travis.

Travis Would Not Have Welcomed Back Theo If It Weren’t For Vic

Barrett Doss as Vic Hughes, Jay Hayden as Travis Montgomery, and Carlos Miranda as Theo Ruiz in Station 19 season 4 episode 9

Learning that Theo was the man Vic was falling for almost destroyed Vic and Travis’ friendship in Station 19 season 4, but Vic’s loyalty to Travis became clear even to Travis once they finally talked it out in Station 19 season 4, episode 9. Without that and the fire at Vic’s parents’ restaurant that brought Travis and Theo to work together to help Vic’s family, Travis wouldn’t have come to the realization that he was ready not to hate Theo or fault him for Michael’s death. Their reconciliation was even more apparent once Travis only supported Theo’s interim captaincy, despite their tragic shared history involving Theo in a managerial position.

Caring for Vic was the catalyst for Travis to welcome Theo back into his life between Station 19 seasons 4 and 5. Vic and Travis’ close friendship and living arrangement essentially recreated the friendship trio that Travis, Michael, and Theo were before Michael’s death, something that Theo wished they could be once he learned how close Travis and Vic were. Michael’s death, after all, cost Theo his two best friends simultaneously, and his romantic relationship with Vic made it possible to recreate that friendship with Travis, building a new base for it while at the same time, Theo did the same with his relationship with Vic.

Travis Will Take Vic’s Side, Ending The Station 19 Trio

Jay Hayden as Travis Montgomery, Barrett Doss as Vic Hughes and Carlos Miranda as Theo Ruiz in Station 19 season 6 finale

Throughout Station 19 season 6, Travis gave Theo the benefit of the doubt when Vic vented to him about Theo’s shortcomings, especially if they had to do with Theo’s micromanagement as captain, proving that things truly had gone back to how they were in their friendship. Still, Theo and Vic’s terrible breakup and Theo making out with Kate will eventually come to light, making Travis take Vic’s side and break up the trio, especially considering how Theo’s behavior in the Station 19 season 6 finale wasn’t exactly upstanding. Hopefully, Station 19 season 7 will let Travis and Theo ease into friends even without Vic as a third of their trio.

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