Station 19 Season 7, Episode 5 Recap: 10 Biggest Story Reveals

The 100th episode of Station 19 included plenty of drama, romantic developments and death-defying situations for the firefighters at Station 19, perfectly embodying what the Grey’s Anatomy spinoff had been about since its beginning. Many of the storylines set up in Station 19 season 7 moved forward, chiefly among all Andy Herrera’s journey as a captain, immortalized by her pinning ceremony that officially recognized her as captain of Station 19 and gave her a new official captain badge.

Chief Ross canceling Crisis One in a bid to reduce the budget by ten percent as Mayor Osman ordered her to was another Station 19 season 7 central storyline progressing, offering yet another proof of how her clinging to the job hurt the initiatives Osman had sworn to protect when Travis endorsed him. The personal lives of Station 19’s firefighters also involved various emotional rollercoasters in Station 19 season 7, episode 5, with Sully and Natasha finally engaged, Warren’s back pain prompting him to take meds behind everyone’s backs, and Maya offering her eggs for Carina’s IVF and their family

Osman & Ross Cutting Crisis One Undoes All Of Dean & Vic’s Work

The News Can Be What Sets Off Vic After Everything That Happened

Barrett Doss as Vic Hughes, Merle Dandridge as Chief Natasha Ross and Emerson Brooks as Mayor Robel Osman in Station 19 season 7 episode 5

Chief Ross accepting Osman’s orders without pushing back already led to many changes within Station 19 and SFD as a whole, but the loss of the Crisis One program not only will worsen the situation for the community but also destroy Dean Miller’s legacy. Chief Ross’s scandal gave Osman carte blanche, essentially leaving him sure that his bidding would be done whether she would have been the one to order so or someone else he could appoint in her place.

However, Crisis One’s cancelation can also be the last straw for Vic. She has progressively felt hopeless after seeing Crisis One’s scope wasn’t fully met because some situations just degenerated before being addressed, but her hopelessness only got worse by Station 19 season 7, episode 4. Embracing not feeling anything instead of caring was also Vic’s first reaction to the news, but employing her Crisis One skills to the Space Needle rescue let her go off at the mayor, fully showing how little control she had over herself due to her growing distress.

Maya Being There For Andy’s Doubts Shows How Far They’ve Gone

Maya Supporting Andy Yet Again Is A Testament Of Their Beautiful Friendship

Danielle Savre as Maya Bishop and Jaina Lee Ortiz as Andy Herrera in Station 19 season 7 episode 5

Maya missing the shift in Station 19 season 7, episode 4 confused her because she couldn’t understand why the morale was so low, but that didn’t stop her from cheering on and supporting Andy on the day of her pinning ceremony. Throughout Station 19, Maya and Andy might have had their personal ups and downs, especially when Maya’s career ambition was involved or her secret fling with Jack potentially risked their friendship. However, Maya’s staunch support of Andy was at the center of Station 19’s 100th episode, marking their friendship as one of the things at Station 19’s core.

Having been firefighters together since their Academy days makes Maya and Andy’s relationship unique, as the two have seen each other go through various life phases. Maya’s unhealthy focus on her career didn’t only impact her marriage but all her relationships, even putting some space between her and Andy. Maya’s work on herself thus made it possible for her to be genuinely happy about Andy becoming captain without being envious like in the past, and being the one to pin Andy’s new badge immortalized their friendship, as for all the steps they made in their careers, they were together.

Warren’s Secret Medication Can Set Up His Story After Station 19

Doing Everything Secretly Shows He May Not Be Able To Stay With Them Past The Show’s End

Jason George as Ben Warren in Station 19 season 7 episode 5

Since his return to the field in Station 19 season 7, episode 4, Warren has consistently been affected by unexplained back pain. The pain was so bad that by Station 19 season 7, episode 4’s ending, he couldn’t perform his firefighting duties as he couldn’t even stand upright with his gear on, prompting an ongoing fight with Travis who pushed him to see a doctor instead of ignoring the problem and risking putting the whole crew in danger.

Ben’s improvements being due only to the meds he secretly took introduced another layer to his problem in Station 19 season 7, episode 5, hinting at the story being potentially tackled in Ben’s Grey’s Anatomy future after Station 19. After all, his pain’s reason has yet to be explored, and Ben’s secretive approach only delayed the inevitable, but Station 19 season 7 is five episodes away from its end, making it impossible for the drama to tackle it. This would make Ben’s unknown illness a potentially major storyline in Grey’s Anatomy season 21, especially considering his centrality in Bailey’s life.

Gibson’s New Dispatch Job Shows He Landed On His Feet Despite His History

He May Have Lost His Firefighting Career But He Didn’t Despair

Jaina Lee Ortiz as Andy Herrera and Grey Damon as Jack Gibson in Station 19 season 7 episode 5

Station 19’s seven seasons showed how prone Gibson had always been to cut everyone out when he suffered, even if he would have benefitted from being surrounded by his firehouse family. This had happened after Rigo’s death, but also following the news that his biological siblings were never given up for adoption by his biological parents, unlike him

However, Station 19 season 7, episode 5 revealing him as the one alerting Station 19 of a fire at the Space Needle showed how well he took losing his career. Station 19 season 7, episode 2 had already hinted at Jack’s refusal to isolate himself through his dinner with Marsha, but Station 19’s 100th episode put him back in the action with Station 19, only with another role. His proactivity in finding something else is a testament to how well Jack accepted the changes in his life without opposing them, despite the huge hit of losing the opportunity to firefight.

Vic’s Lucidity In The Elevator Proves Her Calling Is Crisis One

Vic Is An Amazing Firefighter, But She’s Even More Fantastic In Mental Health Crises

Barrett Doss as Vic Hughes and Marwan Salama as Riley Jones in Station 19 season 7 episode 5

Vic consistently pushed away her firehouse family in Station 19 season 7, starting with her refusal to engage with Theo after his Kate revelation and continuing with her unwillingness to let Travis in despite her problems. Learning about Crisis One seemingly left her unaffected, but the skills she employed in the Space Needle rescue reminded her why she championed Crisis One and why it was imperative that it continued, despite SFD politics.

Her outburst against Mayor Osman might have been prompted by the instability caused by her personal problems, but Vic’s lucidity during the Space Needle was what saved everybody. Without Vic’s promptness to address Garry’s wife’s medical needs and Riley’s panic attack, there may have been casualties, and that was avoided only thanks to her training for Crisis OneStation 19 season 7, episode 6’s trailer puts Vic’s job in danger due to her outburst, but even if she lost it, she could have a future within a similar program because of how adept Vic is with mental health crises.

Theo’s New EMS Job Lets Him Work Without Worrying About Fitting In

Station 19 Season 7 Showed Him Struggle To Be A Part Of The Team Like He Wanted

Stefania Spampinato as Carina DeLuca and Carlos Miranda as Theo Ruiz in Station 19 season 7 episode 5

Theo’s surprise resignation in Station 19 season 7, episode 4 had more to do with his inability to fit in with Station 19 than with budget cuts, but meeting Carina in the parking lot car accident showed how final his resignation actually was. While he may still be hung up on Vic and worried about her uncaring behavior so unlike herself, Theo was actually in his element in his new job.

Not having to think about fitting in with a close-knit firefighting family like Station 19’s while going through a breakup did wonders for him, putting Theo’s abilities to work despite doing so for a private company. This also makes it possible for future calls to involve him and Station 19, letting him stay in the lives of those he cares about in Station 19 without being a firefighter with them.

Beckett Taking Responsibility For His Behavior On The Call Showed How Much He’s Grown

Sean Admitted Maya’s Apologies Got To His Head Because Of What That Reminded Him

Danielle Savre as Maya Bishop and Josh Randall as Sean Beckett in Station 19 season 7 episode 5

Maya coming back to work after Beckett’s return to Station 19 gave her the chance to apologize for one of her lowest moments during her Station 19 season 6’s mental health crisis. Offering alcohol to Beckett knowing about his problems only because she wanted something out of him was one of the worst things Maya did during her crisis and something she didn’t have a chance to apologize before because she didn’t follow Beckett’s recovery as closely as Andy or Vic.

While Beckett played down the impact of Maya’s actions by forgiving her immediately, his behavior throughout the call showed he was affected by their discussion reminding him of that specific incident. However, his apologies to Maya after everyone was put to safety also showed how far Beckett came regarding his alcohol addiction. Despite the clear unease remembering that moment caused him, Beckett still faced the conversation head-on, giving Maya the chance to offer him her support and acknowledging his problems openly, something he never would have done in Station 19 season 6.

Maya Offering Her Eggs For IVF Showed How Far She’s Come

She Didn’t Just To Make Carina Happy, She Truly Wants A Family With Her

Danielle Savre as Maya Bishop and Stefania Spampinato as Carina DeLuca in Station 19 season 7 episode 5

Carina’s news about her eggs being inviable risked upending all her and Maya’s plans to have more kids, especially considering how Maya always refused to get pregnant due to her inability to do her job if she were to carry the baby. However, Maya’s unexpected and unplanned suggestion to use her eggs showed how much she had embraced building a family with Carina.

Carina and Maya had for so long different life plans that it could have been unthinkable for Maya to be so onboard with being part of Carina’s IVF journey. However, Maya’s change in priorities after her Station 19 season 6 mental health crisis showed her that Carina was the most important thing in her life and how much she wanted to build a family with her. Even Maya’s proposal to use her eggs didn’t come from wanting to do Carina a favor but from the genuine hope to enlarge their family, something now occupying Maya’s every thought.

Ben & Sully’s Incident Showed Natasha What’s Important

Natasha Accepting Sully’s Proposal Finally Revealed What Were Her Reservations

Merle Dandridge as Natasha Ross and Boris Kodjoe as Robert Sullivan in Station 19 season 7 episode 5

Station 19 season 6’s finale finally pushed Sully and Natasha’s relationship out in the open, with everything that entailed considering that Natasha was effectively Sully’s boss. While the ball’s floor collapse gave Sully clarity about their relationship, Natasha always seemed unsure about whether to accept his marriage proposalsStation 19 season 7, episode 5 putting Sully and Ben in harm’s way reminded Natasha how much she loved Sully, enough to let him know why she had yet to accept his proposals, especially after she had accidentally found the ring he planned to propose to her with on the floor.

Natasha’s reservations having all to do with the fear Sully might in the future ask her to make herself and her career small and nothing with her love for him finally gave them the chance to openly talk about their future, with Sully’s assurance that he never would making their engagement a reality. The development proved even more impactful considering how reserved Natasha always was, showing she had truly accepted and trusted Sully as her life partner.

Andy’s Pinning Ceremony Encapsulated Why She’s The Best Captain For Station 19

The Moment Reminded Via Flashback All The Hurdles She Overcame To Become Captain

Jaina Lee Ortiz as Andy Herrera and Danielle Savre as Maya Bishop in Station 19 season 7 episode 5

Andy’s road to becoming Station 19’s captain was bumpy, considering the personal and professional struggles she went through to become the capable leader she is by Station 19 season 7, episode 5. Andy’s pinning ceremony at the end of Station 19’s 100th episode reminded her link throughout her life to Station 19 and included all the things that made that firehouse home for her.

From her lifelong friend Maya putting the badge on her to Theo and Jack being present at the ceremony despite not being part of that firehouse anymore, family was at the center of the official celebration of Andy’s promotion. This was especially evident through Andy’s speech and the montage of her father Pruitt’s words about her and all the important characters who were once part of Station 19’s extended family like Ryan, making Station 19’s 100th episode a tribute to both Andy’s journey and Station 19 as a show.

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