Confirmation of an Australian version of the sitcom highlights how much of a success the UK and US versions have been, justifying a more global approach to the series going forward. In both existing versions, the spirits shown highlight the history of each respective country, showing how different characters can make each show stand on its own. The characters of Ghosts in the US are pulled from events like the Revolutionary War and prohibition, while the UK version has characters reflecting the Georgian and Regency eras, among others.
This new rendition of the show will likely feature characters inspired by Australian history, offering a more unique dynamic than the other versions because of this. While there’s still plenty of mystery surrounding how the new sitcom will play out, the setting seems like it will offer a unique rendition that keeps the soul of its predecessors intact. Since there’s still plenty of info yet to arrive about its development, like who will be playing Kate and Sean, the series’ current development stage means more information is likely to arrive soon.