What Happened To Pete In Ghosts Season 3 Finale?

Before we get into theories, let’s quickly recap what happened to Richie Moriarty’s character. In Season 3’s penultimate episode, “The Traveling Agent,” we learn more about Pete’s ghost power. We came to understand that he could leave the everchanging manor’s boundaries, and travel around.

The limits of this power – as of that episode – didn’t exist. So, he decided to take advantage of it and travel to St. Lucia to visit his family on vacation. While there, he met Donna, a good-looking hotel ghost from the ‘80s with whom he strikes up a romance.

Then, out of nowhere, Pete’s leg disappeared! He immediately panicked, understandably, and he had a conversation with Donna about what was happening. They don’t know if he’s being sucked off or the equivalent of dying for a ghost, and because of that the former travel agent high tales it back to the manor.

By the time he got back, Pete was missing an arm, a leg and a few other body parts. However, they reappeared right when he walked back into the house. So, this begs the question: What on Earth was going on with Pete?

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