CBS could have fixed a major mistake in the series finale of Blue Bloods with only one small change. The popular police and family drama was canceled ahead of season 14 despite being a top-rated show, and a fan-led movement to save Blue Bloods failed to move the needle with CBS. Thus, the best that could be hoped for was a strong series finale that tied up all loose ends and left the audience feeling that the ending was satisfying.
The second half of Blue Bloods season 14 consisted mostly of standalone episodes rather than continuing storylines that could lead to the wrap-up. There have been few hints as to the ending for each Blue Bloods character, though the penultimate episode revealed that Erin and Jack are back together, while much earlier, it was established that Jamie and Eddie are discussing starting a family Thus, the Blue Bloods series finale will need to rush to tie up all loose ends within the last hour of the show.
Blue Bloods Finale May Not Be Able To Address All The Lingering Plots In Its Finale
There Are Too Many Stories That Need To Be Wrapped Up
It will be challenging to wrap up all the storylines in the final episode of Blue Bloods, especially considering that the bulk of the finale will focus on the family’s final mission together. CBS’ latest update reveals that the finale will revolve around gang members causing mayhem in the city, culminating with Mayor Chase being shot, and Frank and the other Reagans will all work together to stop the violence and make the city safe again. Because of this, there is little time to address all the personal arcs, as the cops will all be in crisis mode.
Certain stories will undoubtedly be addressed, as teaser photos suggest that Eddie is injured badly enough to go to the hospital and that all the Reagans attend a cop’s funeral. These events could make some characters second guess their career or family plans. Significantly, Jamie and Eddie’s plans to have children will likely be impacted by the event, and Danny will address the fact that he has no one to come home to after a tough day on the job. However, these subplots may not get the time they deserve during the finale because of the high-stakes main story.
CBS Could Have Given Blue Bloods A Two-Hour Finale
A Longer Finale Would Have Given The Series Enough Time To Wrap Things Up
The best way to handle the finale would have been for the second half of the season to work toward wrapping things up rather than focusing on standalone stories. However, since that failed to happen, the next best option would have been for CBS to give Blue Bloods a two-hour finale. That would have allowed for more of the ideas on the Blue Bloods series finale wishlist to take place, as there would have been room for the series to fully explore each character’s ending.
CBS has long said that Blue Bloods is a beloved show that deserves a strong sendoff.
This solution is not unprecedented. Blue Bloods had a two-hour season finale in season 11, and the equally popular Young Sheldon had a double-length series finale that allowed it to pay tribute to the series and characters properly in the sendoff. CBS has long said that Blue Bloods is a beloved show that deserves a strong sendoff. Allowing the series two hours for its finale would have allowed it to accomplish that goal rather than having to rush to wrap up every character’s story in the last few minutes of the final episode.